lunes, 23 de julio de 2012




Modal verbs: can, could, must, have to, should


- Choose can, can't, could or couldn't
- Choose must or have to
- Can, can't, could, couldn't
- All modal verbs
- Should or shouldn't


Are you a mobile phone addict?

My Blackberry isn't working


C = Customer S = Shopkeeper

C: I bought something from you last week and I’m very disappointed.
S: Oh yeah? What’s the problem?
C: Well, my blackberry is not working
S: What’s the matter? Has it run out of juice?
C: No, no, it’s completely frozen
S: Oh yeah, I can see that. I tell you what, let’s try it on orange.
C: That’s got a few blackspots
S: Oh yes. Sorry about that
C: Well, is there anything I can do to get my blackberry working?
S: Well, it could be an application issue. Where do you store that blackberry?
C: Well, it’s on my desktop
S: Well, you could try using a mouse to drag the blackberry to the trash. Then after you’ve done that, you might want to launch the blackberry from the desktop
C: Well, I’ve already tried that a few times but all it did was mess up windows
S: Well, it might be worth waiting a couple of weeks. They’ve got the latest blackberries coming in then
C: Could you give me a date?
S: Certainly
C: Let me put that date in my diary
S: Anything else I can help you with
C: Yes, yes, I’ve also got a problem to be honest with my apple
S; Ooh dear, oh dear. That is an old apple, isn’t it? When did you buy that?
C: Last week
S: Last week? They’ve bought out 2 new apples since then. What’s the problem with it?
C: Well, I tried to put my dongle in it and it won’t fit
S: Oh yeah? And how big is your dongle?
C: Well I don’t know much about these things, but my wife has seen a few dongles in her time and she said it’s a little bit on the small size.
S: Well I’m afraid there’s not a lot I can do about that. Tell you what, let me try booting it. No…it’s crashed. Anything else I can help you with?
C: Well funnily enough, yes. (It’s) My grandson’s birthday soon, you see. Now he’s already got an apple and a blackberry. I mean have you got anything else he might just like?
S: Well, we’re doing a special offer on these. I mean, I can’t make head or tail of them, but the kids seem to like them: Eggs Box – 360

SONG: "Change the World" by Eric Clapton with lyrics

Exercise: Before listening to the song, write things we can, must, should do to change the world.

SONG: "Should I Stay or Should I Go? by The Clash

SONG: "Year 3000" by Jonas Brothers

SONG: "This Is The Life" by Amy Macdonald

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